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    Cognitive Distortions PDF

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      Cognitive Distortions List

      • Mental filter. Magnifying negative information by filtering out or disqualifying the positives.
      • Catastrophising. Thoughts or mental imagery jumping to worst case scenarios.
      • Labelling. Assigning global negative traits to oneself or others based on limited events.
      • Black and white thinking. The tendency to use either/or categories (i.e., good/bad, right/wrong, always/never).
      • "Should" statements. Criticising yourself or others with “should,” “must,” or “need to” statements.
      • Emotional reasoning. Believing that your thoughts must be true due to the associated emotional response.
      • Overgeneralisation. Making broad negative conclusions based on limited information or events.
      • Personalisation and blame. Reducing the complex causations of events to either oneself or others.
      • Mind reading. Assuming knowledge of other people’s thoughts or intentions.
      • Fortune telling. Assuming knowledge and accurate predictions regarding the future.

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